214-458-8462 jackie@jackietrust.com

The AllS.I.D.E.S of Financial Literacy

Adult Seminars 

Millionaire Educator (ME) and Financial Wellness for Women seminars are targeted to help adults enhance self-knowledge in order to build wealth.

Learn sustainable personal finance strategies you can use now.
Discern that math is not a prerequisite to smart money habits.
Navigate money management to make life more manageable.

Consider ways to create additional streams of income
Understand basic stock investment opportunites

For AllS.I.D.E.S of Financial Literacy™ workshop and seminar scheduling...

Workshop Participant Commentary

Top Takeaways

"Acquiring the knowledge skills to become financially free"

"Evaluating my expenses and reducing nonessentials"

"Setting up the monthly spending spreadsheet"

"Turn my time into wealth"

"Creating a business"

"I’m going to try to do better to become debt free."

"Educate myself more about stocks with hopes to invest soon"

"Better action planning with my wife and kids "

"Check into Deferred Compensation, create a budget and stick to it!!

"Stop impulse spending. Using what we have"

"Working on one challenge each month for financial freedom"

"Analyzing all money and where it goes."

"Paying off my debt credit cards first"


"Spending habits, and adjusting financial plans"